YJC "Zhou Jia Quan" at its finest

The Grand Finale
Yee hah!!! Sunday is over, so is the Annual National Inter-Schools Wushu competition! YJC has come very far throughout these years, and I dare say they have done it again... This year, we won more than 4 gold medals in different categories, which is a great achievement compared to last year... We are the first in our group "Ji Ben Quan". YJC Zhou Jia Quan team rulz!!! I am proud to be a member of the wushu team, though I did not get to compete with them... Just as well, let me take this as an experience to see how tough the competitions are. Also, I got to see many styles of wushu, such as Drunken Fist, Drunken Sword, "Nan Quan", "Cang Quan"...etc. Friends I know such as Tiffany Kwan, and Yi Hui, won medals(Tiffany, silver and Yi Hui, gold) Yee HAH!!!!! Ar, I am tired....

Woosh!!! Dun mess with us!

The President Of The YJC Wushu Club

The YJC Wushu Team

Nuts to these guys... Win medals in wushu competition, big shot ar?!
Haha...!!! Tmr is YJC's national Inter-schools Wushu competition!!! Wahahahaa.... Can't help but feel excited right now... Though I am not competing, I will be there to support the YJC wushu team... Wahahaha... Right now, I am trying desperately to gather people to support us, be it from YJC, or my old friends... Hope YJC wins the competition anyway. I heard from my seniors that this year, other less heard teams are getting noticeably better in terms of standard. That means, it is going to be a challenging event for us this year. Hm... YJC always manages to clinch a few medals. This year, we must do even better than the previous batch... I hope the team will rank as the top 3 in the whole competition. HAHAA!!!!!! All we have to do is watch out for these rising schools... The wushu team from Anderson Junior college, and from VJC. Right. GO MAN!!! GO!!!!

Wushu Lion Dance Troupe performance in March

Ah, how I miss the good old days
Monday blues, Monday blues... Well, this morning I went to school, thinking that it would be just another normal day. Guess what? I was wrong. I woke up, thinking that there is nothing to be done. Hell, I found out that I had one HUGE pile of home work waiting to be "done"... I woke up thinking that there are no test today, damn, I had a Chinese CA test...What else could possibly go wrong? I failed my Chemistry CA test, as well as my Maths CA test... The worst part was, both tests were relatively easy, yet I could not do well... AND, I happened to fail both of them by a TINY margin... 14/30 for CHem, 13/30 for maths... I am not saying that I am just wishing for a mere pass, but failing by 1 or 2 marks really irritates me the core... ARGHH!!!!! JC life, JC life... If I don't do something to help myself now, I gonna be dead for the promotional exams end of this year... Just as well, the June Holidays will probably be the best time for me to catch up on my studies...I need it badly.. Haha.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......!!!
We had a group gathering at Kenneth's house today. A barbeque, to celebrate an early birthday for him. Haha, all in all, I enjoyed myself thoroughly there. I remembered we needed 45 minutes just to start the fire. Haha... Then we got to see Eugene acting like a clown trying to fan the fire to live(looking like a despo...LOL!!!) We had chicken wings, sausages, spagetti, mashed potatoes... Its a wonder how I managed to eat with my braces on... Owwww... Haha... Then there was Yew Mun, the mobile air con, willingly fanning all of us with paper plates, proudly proclaiming his services as 20 degree celsius guaranteed. Haha, so much fun... I felt the class spirit there, and its a good feeling. The bond, so strong, seemingly unbreakable. Most of us left around 10 pm. We left so late even though we had GP test the next morning, partly because we admire Kenneth's house(Hell, you should have seen how big it is...all his relatives are living in the same building--all 4 levels of it!!!), also because we had so much fun... Haha... Maybe the class of 115 should have more of these in the future...Bourne Hiero...over and out...
Ah, I am bushed... Today is YJC's sports day, and what an eventful one it was... We were practically just cheering at our runners, and jeering at lousy cheers shouted out by other House Captains... Hahaha... Well... as I was from the Wushu team, we had to perform, of course. Basically, our performance had 3 segments: First of, a solo display by Chun Kiat, a style called "Bi shou", which requires two daggers, one in each hand. The second, was again a solo performance by Yi Hui, using the "qiang", a pole with a sharp, pointy dagger at one end.(Don't mind my discription. It sucks anyway) Finally, the third consists of 8 performers, including me, Benson, Zhi Hao, Wei Shen and---darn, forgot their names already...Haha. The 8 of us were performing "Ji Ben Quan", which consists of punching techniques... In our segment, I was the timer, giving signals to proceed on to the next movements... Haha, stress, stress... Anyway, I find it a good learning experience, as it allows us to review our own mistakes and improve ourselves... Haha... Tired......... Blogs out
Today I went to the dentist to put on my braces. Finally. The dentist only put the braces on the top row of my teeth, so it would be less hassling, compared to putting both braces on at the same time... Haha...

Do or do not. There is no try.
I peeked out of the window. The sky was dark, and it was raining heavily. My surroundings were simple. A few tables and chairs, piles of headsets lying around, fans at every corner. Along with me, were a few other YJ students; Yew Mun, Rauzan, another named Anthony-something... Well, we were not alone anyway. Stares directed at us were not few. A few struggled to communicate with us. The rest were busy sorting out those large piles of headsets. One of them waved at me, proudly showing off his name tag. Not knowing what to do, I smiled weakly, waving back. He went on his work. I looked out again. Still raining heavily. Laughter was common in the room. Communicating with one another was mainly simple and with common sense. At one corner, I saw an attention seeker, doing silly things just to get the volunteers' attention. He was 52 years old. Another was talking intelligibly to himself. Hell, he was 27. If you still don't know where we were, let me tell you. We were at the MINDS home, a home where mentally disabled people stay and mix around with another of their own kind. It is kind of a sick reality, really. These people don't live normally. They require the assistance even for the most basic actions. In the whole world, these people probably make up a small percentage. However, to see a lot concentrated in one area, it is kind of...unsettling? I was not courageous enough to try interracting with them. Basically, I don't know how to. It isn't like a conversation between normal people, in which the way we speak are backed by logic. In here, it is like talking to 3 year old children who can't even recite alphabets from A to Z. From what I see, they rely more on instinct, instead of logic. I was just glad that we were only there at the MINDS home to tidy up the place. From 9.30am all the way to 12.30 pm, we cleaned the windows, tables and chairs. Throughout the 3 hours there, I can't help but imagine why are they like that. We are humans. They are humans. We have feelings. They have feelings. What make them so different from us? Is it because they have the mental capability of a 3 year old? Why can we live normally, and why can't them? Life is indeed unfair. In this world, the strongest survive. The weakest are eliminated. That is nature and we have to accept it. Likewise, those unlucky ones have to accept who they are. But, that doesn't mean that the world cannot help them, right? True, the world may be unfair, and every individual works ultimately to achieve their own personal goals. However, there are some who care. There are bound to be people who care for them. That is why homes such as the MINDS home are built. Ultimately, it is a person's own decision whether he wishes to help or not. I am just glad there are. Today's CIP has taught me a few lessons. Life is an unreality, until you observe it, and hear it yourself.
I have some very good news today. I went to have my wrist "X-ray"ed to see how well has my wrist healed. To my surprise, and the doctor's as well, it has completely healed. The fracture is gone. Just lke that. I had thought that my wrist would still be somewhat 80% recovered, since the doc says that it would take 6 months for my wrist to fully recover. However I only took 3. Haha... That means, I can finally start my serious wushu training. Or go to the gym again. Haha.... Whee.