Saturday, January 29, 2005
Wahahah...back after such a long while.... For those guys who read the WHOLE list of my quotes, congratulations! You have just lost 254.1215 hair follicles squinting at the words, straining your eyes against the bule-words-black-background screen... For those who didn't....well....Who cares??? Ok, enuff crap... Nothing much to blog these days... Well, I have my wushu examination tomorrow, to test whether I have the qualities to be advanced to blue belt(or is it red...?hm....), or to find out whether I have been playing a fool out of myself and getting squashed like a bug. I hope for the formal. Its at Yio Chu Kang CC again*yawnz* at 11.30am... Doesn't matter, look forward to it....At least I get an excuse to leave home again. LOL! Well, its kinda getting late...Wish me good luck! =)
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Episode 2 of "The Quotes".
-"Trust is always an act of faith."
-"In wars, nobody cares about who is RIGHT, but who is LEFT."
-"Man cannot see past the choices they don't understand."
-"Friendship is gold treasured beyond all treasures."
-"Very action, no matter how small, will have an impact on the future."
-"Before you can learn, you must unlearn what you have learnt."
-"The phrase 'out of control' is merely an excuse not to admit that you are that kind of person."
-"For someone to act purely out of himself, he must first be brought to the edge of despair, then over it."
-"Never explain yourself. Your friends won't need it. Your enemies won't believe it."--by my friend, Lynn.
-"Study the sum of knowledge from those that came before you."
-"A person who wants to much in life risks losing everything that he has achieved. Then gain, someone who wants to little, might not get anything at all."---Man, I LOVE this quote!
-"Leadership is open to everyone, but reserved for those who dare to try."---My own quote...=)
-"It is useless to desire more time if you are are already wasting what little you already have."
-"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent."
-"When all else have failed, and all hopes diminished, remember this: when you are down, I will be up there, holding on to you. I will never let you fall."--my own quote. Sonds weird, but..oh well...
-"A large part of growing up involves watching everything change, and learning that all changes are permanent. That nothing ever changes back."--one of my fav. quotes
-"It cost a great deal to be reasonable. It cost youth."
-"Life is more of a matter of choosing, rather than knowing."
-"Life is an unreality, until you observe, and hear it for yourself."--My own quote!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Haiz...I am so bored today. I probably tore out a third of my hair doing nothing. So, in order to resist the temptation of pulling out of my hair, I decided to post all the quotes and sayings I have collected over 2 years. Some of them are my own, some extracted from elsewhere. Here goes:
-"Do or do not. There's no try."-Star Wars
-"The truth is always greater than the words we use to describe it."-Star Wars
-"True Knowledge comes in the fact that we actually know nothing"-anonymous
-"Expecting is distraction. Pay attention to NOW."-Star Wars
-"When there's life, there's hope."-Star Wars
-"If you are afraid of the answers that you get, you should have avoided asking the questions."-Time Machine
-"The only one thing that a good man has to do to be evil, is to do nothing."-from the Movie "Tears of the sun".
-"No lesson is truely learnt without the purchase of pain."-Star Wars
-"The future is always in motion. Nothing is certain."-Star Wars
-"Never look back, unless thats the direction you intend to go."-dunno
-"Love is merely a recognition that the 2 are one."-Star Wars
-"Instructions backed by force are orders. Orders no backed by force are merely suggestions."-Star Wars
-"Everything that has a beginning, has an end."-MAtrix
-" 'Why' is a question that is much purer than its answers."-Star Wars
-"If a person of authority speakes to only those that agree with him, he soon finds himself OUT of authority."-Star Wars
-"If the heart is empty, the mind doesn't matter."-from a TV serial
-"A right that is given is as useless as a virtue that is given. Rights are used, if not they have no value, just as virtues must be performed."-Star Wars
-"The truth is rarely simple and straightforward. But waht that is simple, it is also complex. The truth, is simple. Humans made it complex."-By me.
-"There is no more room for another person in your heart, once you have decided to love."-from a drama serial
-"Water that is too pure have no fish."-from the movie "Bulletproof Monk"
-"Who is more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows the fool?"-Star Wars
-"Which is more important: What the teacher teaches, or what the student learns?" -Star Wars
-"Trust is always an act of faith."-Star Wars
-"When you know what is the right thing to do, where is freedom? No one chooses the wrong. It is the uncertainty that sets you free."-Star Wars
-"When you start to become who you are, the first thing you learn is that there is nothing to fear."-Star Wars
-"Leadership is open to everyone, but reserved for those who dare to try."-By me!
I juz realised I still have 2 more pages to go...Too tired now...some other
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A drawing I made out my school's potted plants... Those in 115 will know its the potted plant near our usual canteen space.

I dunno how I did it, dun ask me how, I am juz an accidental photographer! Looook into my are feeling very sleeppppy... Um...why are you looking at my pimples...?


smirking away...

Grrr...! Attack of the Nostrils...!!!
Thursday, January 06, 2005
I did something meaningful today. I helped an organisation called Mercy Relief pack and sort out clothes and other donations for the Tsunami affected areas. A number of my friends, Rusydi, Rauzan and Tiffany went to help out at 2.30pm, all the way till 7.30pm. We packed the clothes and stuff in boxes, and carried them to designated areas. Though it was tiring, but we felt great knowing that we are contributing to the society to help others. We had a great time there, joking along with other fellow YJC ppl. We all felt a common goal, which was to help the victims. It felt good. Our group was the most enthusiastic ones, considering we were shouting louder than other ppl, parking and carrying things at a rapid pace. LOL! The Red Bull company sponsored their energy drinks for those who were helping. Haha, it was so effective, since it last us throughout the whole 5 hours, and I still feel kinda alert. Well, thats that. Tomorrow would be the JC1s CCA exhibition, gotta prepare our booth... Hopefully this year the Wushu team will have more members joining. Besides, this year is the Dragon year...*wink* Haha...
Whee...! Juz came back from my Mum's baking shop... Haha...Today's her shop's official opening. Lol, so glad for her. After so many years, my mum finally has the chance to do what she likes...that bake la. Haha! I hope that her business will prosper, and that many customers will visit her shop regularly... Since today was the official opening, many friends and families visited her shop, bringing gifts, flowers, sweets... The shop was so crowded, we literally took up the whole corridor. I stayed in the shop since 11am, all the way till 5pm. Not too bad, made a number of new friends, talked to some of dad's old classmates, learnt that one of dad's old classmate's daughter is going to YJ too. Haha...YJ is getting quite popular nowadays...I hope. Oh well...been out the whole day, and school is starting tomorrow... Guess I ought to sleep now. All the best to Mum! *zzzzz*