Hm....Juz redeemed my free $198 mountain bike. And its big. And blue. And stinks of lubricant. But I am not complaining. Gonna try it out someday. Provided that someday comes. Whee. I love my VS2 and my free $198 mountain bike that stinks. =)
Hm....Have been using the phone for 2 days now. First of, I muz really comment on the display. Damn, its very sharp! Very stunning! Breathtaking! lol... 16 million colours... They are really not joking manz. On the first day, I took quite a number of pictures. Well, the pictures are quite sharp for a 1.3 megapixel camera phone as shown in the pictures below. The best part? The picture format is large. 1280x1024 resolution, which is higher than the average 640x480 resolution in most current handphone models. So far the phone shows no problems, except for the fact that after the first day, I had to recharge the battery. Probably due to the repeated use of the camera, I think. So far for the second day(Today), there is still a full bar. Well, lets see how it goes for the next few days. Heard the battery is supposed to last at least 2.5 days on average use. The sounds are quite ok too... Its clear and rich, but can be too soft in crowded areas. For the games...well, I am not too hyped up on them, coz tts not what I am looking for in a phone. But---for Sonic Hardcore fans, the VS2 has Sonic The Hedgehog 1 installed. It also has a 3D Soccer game installed, but the graphics aren't really that good looking. Video quality is mostly average, comparing with other phone models. But its still considered good. Drawback is that there is a 1min recording limit. I like the SMS menu. Its clear, and you can selectthe font size for the text. So this phone is suitable for all age types, Ah Mas, Ah Gongs, Aunties etc... Well...tts about all I have to say about this phone rite now. Till I familiarise with it better, bye.
Oh yea btw.... I love my VS2. =)

Test shot of the school's Parade Square. Not bad, apart from some colour distortion and a tad too much light exposure.

Here's showing how sharp the pictures are...even if it is text(Morse code in this case).

Handiwork of my Panasonic VS2.... Muaahhaaha I am starting to love my new handphone.... =)
Juz got my VS2. Whee. I luv it. =)
Saturday, August 20, 2005
You have always been on my mind.
Every single moment,
For as long as I remember.
I missed your smile.
I missed your laughter.
I missed your voice.
I missed you.
You are the voice of my soul,
The light of my life.
My center.
You made me whole.
Now, as we part,
I feel empty,
a bleak world standing before me.
Burying you deep inside my heart,
I wandered on,
without a care.
Into this bleak world.
I can't bear to see you leave,
For when you did,
I felt alone.
No one to share my joys and sorrows,
no one to share my ambitions and dreams.
Staring up into the night sky,
I wonder where you are now.
I long to see you again once more,
To hear you.
I missed You...

Panasonic VS2. Prob going for the one at the extreme left.
Went to Westmall todae to test out 2 phones: Panasonic VS2 and the Samsung E720. Liked the VS2 stunning 16 million colour TFT display. Drooled over its 2.2inch screen. Love its fast shutter speed. Dissapointed with its 32mb memory only. No bluetooth, and tts a bummer. Liked the E720 display too. Hate the shutter speed. Damn slow. 96mb memory. Wow. Bluetooth. Wow. 1 hr video recording. Damn small screen. Bummer. VS2 or E720??? Hm.... Hate making choices. So damn irritating. Especially when both phones are nice. Then I heard E720 cannot ring and vibrate at the same time. Damn tts a turn-off. VS2, here I come. =)
Thursday, August 11, 2005
She's Out Of My Life....Some anonymous guy is starting to irritate me. Not only he is insulting our own private blogs, he is now insulting our class blog. Talk about being rude. A little info about this friend of ours:
1.) He is an asshole.
2.) He doesn't know what he is talking about.
3.) He is a COWARD. Shy, mysterious, maybe, whatever makes you happy. But he is still a coward.
4.) He is a bloody YJcian. Wow.
And based on this limited info--not that I care-- he's probably boasting to his friends how clever he was at irritating our asses. Whatever.
She's out of my life.
I wished otherwise, but sometimes we have to let go. Its my fault that I didn't cherish what I have... Its my fault that I didn't cherish our friendship, even after everything that has happened. She is becoming distant from me, that I don't even hear her at all... I juz wished.... but....never mind. If you are reading this, the times that we spent together, I will remember it well. For a period of time, you made me the happiest guy on earth. Forever I will remember you, forever you will be locked deep in my heart... I still miss you... May light shine upon your path. Forever.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Wushu Performance is over. YJC Sports Heats is over. National Day is over. Wednesday is half over. Errr, wait. Slightly more than half. Well, lets start with the wushu performance at Marina South. It went....smoothly? Yep, guess it did. But we feel no joy, no pride, no excitement. Coz we were performing to no one. Well, the cleaners maybe, but...oh well.... 10,000 people were expected to turn up. About a third came. How so patriotic. Nvm...this sunday we gonna perform again. At Marina South. Maybe things will be better, I don't know. On to the YJC Sports Heats last Monday. It went smoothly too. The liondance troupe(us) came super early-6.30am-to rehearse for the welcoming of the GOH. We improved alot. I'm surprised. Haha. I was in a good mood, coz it was so peaceful and we had the honour of being the first group of people to create a hell lot of noise. Then Choon Yew somehow got it into his head that he's the expert in drums. The moment he started playing, it started raining. HEAVILY. Damn you, Choon Yew. You ruined my good mood. Dun think that juz b'coz you are big, you can push your weight around. You have a much higher inertia pull than us, so forget about pushing us. You will get tired faster. =) Then here comes the best part: the GOH arrived without us finding out. And He is Indian. I mean, who the hell would get an indian as a GOH? You gonna need a hell lot more of spotlights juz to see him. Barely. Chee.... My brown friends, pls do not be offended. =) National Day was quite ok. But it was abit anti-climatic for me, coz I kept looking out for Vincent Ng's wushu performance. Got some rumours he would be performing for National Day. He never appeared. Awwwww. And today. I juz never figured out what goes on in the minds of South Koreans. I woke up this morning and read the newspapers, and I kept laughing non-stop coz apparently some South Korean idiot managed to kill himself playing computer games. AGAIN. Grow up, you morons.
More info can be found on The Straits Times, Wednesday August 10, 2005, pg 8.
News Title: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games.
Technical terms:
Gosu--- South Korean term for being 'pro' in gaming. Apparently they never realised that while they can be so godly in gaming, they are mere mortals in real-life.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Whee...Back after so long. Well, have been pretty busy the last few weeks. Well, to update you guys of my piano exams, well....I guess it is safe to say that I won't be doing very well---again. Haiz....something juz seems to be preventing me from getting my grade 8 piano certificate... Well, shall see how things turn out in a few more months. Gonna perform wushu this coming Sunday at Marina South. Supposedly some kind of NDP celebration, but it kinda is weird....coz National Day is on 9th August, but we are celebrating it 2 days earlier. Chee.... But on a positive note, we would all probably be filmed and shown on TV. Which is fine, provided we don't screw up, that is. Tmr's timetable is quite slack, all lectures, except for chem prac. But chem prac is fun! Haha! Having wushu training tmr too. The teachers-in-charge is starting to bug me. For the National Day Celebration in school next Monday, she wanted us to perform. Well, tts fine. But she listed out some things that we cannot do, which is ironically part of the tradition. WTF? Damn can't stand it anymore. Screw yourself man. Hm...juz sent my wushu pants for 'repair'. The drawstring broke during the rehearsal today. Luckily it did not drop off. lol... People from YJC, AJC, Hougang Primary School,
Kun San and
Long Kun will be involved in this wushu performance at Marina South. Cool manz! We gt 100 people doing
Ji Ben Gong and the
Zhou Jia family's
Ji Ben Quan. =P Heard that the Singapore Silat team is performing too. And old people doing Taji.... *yawnz* Haha...talked enough liaoz....time to hit the sack. *zzzzzz*