Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Welcome into our humble abode!

Our Living room!

The dining area

Another shot of the living room

My Piano!

The hallway, connecting from the living room to our rooms

The computer room. Haha in the hallway

My room!!!

My room!

My parents' room

My parents' dressing table
21st October, 2006: The day that was filled with much expectations and hopefulness. Woke up very early in the morning, as there were a lot of things that had to be packed and brought over to our new home in Yew Tee. Indeed, it was a long and tiring day. And while packing my stuff... I saw many things that reminded me of the past. Things like my old bike, very old photos, and the marks that I made on the walls, and writings that were written almost everywhere... From that moment onwards, I realised that I will miss this Boon Lay home very terribly. I will miss the room that was shared both by me and my brother. I will miss the living room, that held many dinners and late night movies. And much musical entertainment form my piano. I will miss the computer room, which I had many sessions of gaming and studying. And of course, I will miss the kitchen, which was the haven for my food-oriented/loving family. haha... All the good old times... All 11 years of it. =S Today is the 24th. About 3 days after I have moved in to Windermere. And I have been missing Boon Lay alot. Never mind the fact that there are very few chio bus in my neighbourhood, but... I have been living there for 11 years after all. Its a place that will always be a part of me for a long, long time... Haha... And I am still holding on to the keys to the Boon Lay house... Kinda reluctant to give it away. Maybe next time I will drop by my old house to check it out! Wahahaa! Sigh... Miss ya... old house! *Does that sound gay??*
hm... Can't really contain the excitement that I am feeling right now. In fact, it all just seems so surreal. Coz...in 6 days, starting from today, I will be moving to a new home. In Yew Tew. In a condo, called Windermere. And damn, I haven't really packed my stuff yet. Crap. Ah, never mind about those things. I just have one thing to say. I gonna miss living in Boon Lay. I gonna miss taking a train ride from boon lay all the way to Yishun. I gonna miss stepping into Jurong Point everyday after school. I gonna miss the arcade in JP. I gonna miss the 242 bus. I gonna miss seeing that chio bu at the bus stop everyday. *oops* And I gonna miss the GRC that has been taking care of our region for the past 10 years. Whoever they are. BUT--- I am looking forward to lazing around in the condo facilities everyday. I look forward to having my own room. I look forward to see how the design of my room has turned out. I look forward to having shorter train rides to school, even though I have graduated from YJC, and A lvls is just 2 weeks away. And I look forward to having a new GRC taking care of our region's well-being---and I hope to see more and chio-er chio bus daily at Yew Tee. Oh ya...I think I will miss the chewing gum that I threw out of the window. Which got stuck to the wall adjacent to our window. And that was 9 years ago. I will miss it very dearly... Oh wait--its still there. Wahaha. YEW TEE!!! HERE I COME!!!