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~Always On My Mind-Sung by Michael BubleAchives
Friday, November 24, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
~My Home Sweet Home~Composed by Nobuo Uetmatsu
Lyrics in English and Saami
1 (Main Melody in English)
So far away from my home, sweet home
Day by day, from land to land I roam
Though told by the wind which way to go,
Oh, how I long for my home, sweet home.
2 (Main Melody in Saami)
Boaðe ruoktot alot go dan dovtat tuski
Boaðe ruoktot alot go dan dovtat vaivui
vuordà du alot
Du ruoktu vuordà du alot
3 (Main Melody in English)
Fragrant blossoms blooming far away--
Do my folks see them as I did long ago?
Are they still joyful? Are they young at heart?
Will I see them again as I did that day?
3 (Counter melody in Saami)
Bearaš, ushbat
Ruoktu, muitut
Dat ca goassige
Vajaldahtc du
4 (Main Melody in English)
How far I've come from my childhood home!
There will come a time when my troubles are gone,
And when I shall not be all alone--
Till then, I dream of my home, sweet home
4 (Counter melody in Saami)
Meahcci, càcit
Albmi, eana
Dat buot vurdet du
Dat buot vurdet du
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006