Saturday, December 23, 2006
ONLY FOR LOVE The whisper of a single verse And loneliness spreads like a thorny bloom The shimmer of a single dream And my world is undone The memory of a single touch And your love stings with fresh poison The fall of a single tear And all conflict washes into a distant blur I give you my heart with all that I am Still you do not return Silence the music, shatter the dream - I shall fade quietly into A shadow in the past A shadow in the past... (Original Chinese lyrics by Fan Yue Yi, English translation by Carolyn Choa and Aventurina King)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A levels are over. Prom night is over. From today onwards, going to YJC to study will be far away from my mind. Though I look forward to going back to YJC to help out in Wushu. hm...After 3 long years in YJC, I realised that YJC is a place that holds many wonderful memories for me, despite the many setbacks and failures I had within this 3 years. Though I will never ever think of re-living these 3 years, I wouldn't think of them as wasted, since our memories makes, builds, mields us into what we are today. And I wouldn't have it another way. And... I know it sounds a little clitche, some might say childish, but...I will miss YJ terribly. And the ppl there of course. After all, they are the ones who made it memorable for me. Haha! You guys rock manz! And of course, I rule. Juz had a bbq at my place last Sunday with the 221 ppl. I call it a BBQ-cum-Housewarming party. Had loads of fun. And I finally got to eat my chocolate fondue. Yep, finally... However, the experience was short-lived, and the liquified shit(the melted chocolate) became a thick, solid lump of shit. Damn. But we still ate it anyway. Yum. And next time I will not invite Boon Piang. Coz she is one lazy pig. You hear that? BP? =P And whu says I am not nice eh??? Anyway, a number of ppl to thank for making this bbq quite a 'success'--Ken, for making his superb salad combo(I think)-- Amirah, for showing up with her dessert, chopping board and her trusty knife-- Ashwin, for making the mashed potatoes-- Yikuang, for crashing my party. lol--- Yang Thong and Boon Piang, for coming early, borrowing and watching my DVDs. The clouds, for urinating all over Yew Tee the same time we were having our BBQ. Right, thanks man. And finally, the 221 ppl, for coming, and eating all the free food and drinks at my expense(juz kidding =P). Otherwise, there would be too much left-over food that would be used for the next group of ppl I would be inviting for housewarming. 221, you guys(and the gals) simply rocked my world. Ya... And I still rule. =)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Top: Aqilah, Ash and Amirah.

Me and YK

Vincent, YK, Ken, Me and Shawn

Shawn, Ken, ??? and Chio Bu Chan

Dui Lian Partners.

Me and King

Ronnie and Michelle

Ken and Kai

Me and Jun Yi

Me and Ken punkin' away

Ashwin, Amirah and Firdaus

Girls act cool. Guys act cute.

Me and Abish

Me and Ashwin

Ashwin and Fi

Me and Fi

Chio Bu Chan, Fi and me

Prom Queen Candidates

Prom King kissing the Prom Queen

Prom King Candidates

Me and Pinky

The Girls. And 1 guy.

Me and Siew Ying

Me and Boon Piang

Rauzan, Me, Fauzy and Kenneth