Friday, December 23, 2005
Damn! Today is the scariest day of my life. I was in the computer room, playing Age of Empire 3... I kept I smelling smoke. Thought it was the neighbours downstairs smoking again. So continued playing. Then after awhile, the smell became thicker. Wah, thought that neighbour was smoking 10 sticks at a go. So I didn't care and continued playing. Then after awhile, it became SUPER hazy in the room, then like cannot breathe liddat. Wah seh, went to the window to check, then to the living room. Wah bloody hell, the whole living room full of black smoke! Then realised got fire. Piangz, ran straight to toilet to fill up a pail of water, then ran back to the living room, saw that the fish tank was on fire. WTF?! Then just pour all the water on the fish tank lor.. Then the fire went out. Luckily the fire didnt spread sia... If not I sure die liaoz. I dun wanna die early.. =s Wah the smoke ar, enough to choke me liaoz. It took half and hour for all the snoke to dissapate even though I switched on all the fans, windows and doors la. Haiz... Now the whole wall so black. Die... mom and Dad gonna freak out when they get hm... Well, on the bright side... At least tonite got steamed fish to eat la...
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Christmas is coming in 3 days' time. And I have not bought any presents yet. Die... What am I going to do???? =S
Saturday, December 10, 2005
THIS-----Is the reason why Singapore might choose to ban Xbox 360.
Nah, juz kidding.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Denying reality. I pondered about this for a day already. Yesterday I was chatting with Tiffany online. Got onto the subject that everyone denies reality. Guess everyone does, at some point of his or her life. Some say that Truth hurts. It really does. Somehow it got me thinking of my life. It has been a miserable one this year. To tell you the truth, I hardly feel happy at all these days... I really do. There's nothing that really cheers me on, nothing that I felt was an achievement. Most of the time I have been feeling dissapointed than happy. Mom and Dad have been asking me this question since a long time ago: "What have you really achieved?" And everytime this question pops up, I have never really been able to come up with an answer. Why? Simply because I have not. What have I achieved in my studies? Nothing. Up till now, I have not gotten the kind of results that I really wanted. What about my passion for music? Twice I have attempted the grade 8 exam, and twice I have failed. I failed myself, I let down my parents. People tell me I have the talent for music, I have achieved much more than others, but I can hardly see it in me. Last time, perhaps, but not anymore. I feel as if music and me have been drifting apart for years now, and I can't feel the connection anymore. I have already quitted piano since the second exam. No point wasting my parent's money anymore. Haha... Just what the hell am I doing in Junior College? I passed my promos, but I hate my results. A retainee getting a C D O grade is laughable. Its shitty. And I am not happy with it. I am seriously not happy with my own life. haiz... So wad if I love wushu? I am not good at it. I am bad at teaching. I taught most people the wrong techniques in wushu. And I dun think there's any future for me that involves wushu. What am I going to do for my career? My dream of becoming a musician is very distant, I seriously don't know if I can make it to Uni. And I hate my personal life. I am so afraid of it now. Dunno wad to say now... gtg.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My new desktop theme. All thanks to Skin Factory. =D