I chanced upon a sunrise today while travelling to school via the MRT. Ah, it was really beautiful... The sun, so bright and reddish-orange, the clouds, seemingly parting to reveal the sun, the sun's golden rays diverging outwards, like spreading out its majestic arms to touch whatever it sees... In that moment, I wished I had brought along my father's digital camera. He would definitely want to take a shot at it... Haha, too bad... Just as well, the sunrise made me think of life as a cycle... Everything comes and goes. The sunrise was also just a temporary glory. Soon, it must still make way for noon, then it will eventually set and night will come. Everything has a pattern. Nature also has its own cycle. Thus, since everything come and go, we should take life seriously, but not too much that we neglect other aspects of life such as entertainment, love, friendship... We should instead cherish what we already have, and learn whatever inportant lessons that we need to. Haha, me crappin again. So long... Blogs out, in the school library...
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