Saturday, November 27, 2004
Things You Would Never Know Without Indian Movies
1. A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beatings but will wince when a woman tries to cleanse his wounds.
2. The hero cannot fall in love with the heroine (vice versa) unless they first perform a dance number in the rain.
3. Once applied, make-up is permanent, in rain or in any other situation.
4. Two lovers can be dancing in the field and suddenly, 100 people will appear from God-knows-where and join them in the dance.
5. In the final scene, the hero will discover that the bad guy whom he was up against was actually his brother and the maid who looked after him was his mother and the chief inspector was his father and the Judge was his uncle and so forth.
6. Key English words used in the movie (usually said out loud between sentences) are "No Problem!", "My God!", "Get Out!", "Shut-up!", "Impossible!", "Please forgive me!"
7. They drop down to the ground and roll and roll while singing and leap to their feet in different clothings.
8. They can run around the coconut trees, singing, battling eyelids and throwing glances at each other and change clothes all at the same time without getting out of breath.
Things You Would Never Know Without Chinese Sword-Fighting Movies
1. Being the hero's parents is always unlucky and will usually
be killed by enemies when the hero is young and the hero will orphan.
2. When a man is wounded and dying, he always manages to catch his breath and speak a few sentences to reveal the killer before dropping his head and being declared dead.
3. Skilled people are able to fly over roof tops, up trees and across distances without any sweat. But when travelling to towns and villages, they still have to walk or ride horses.
4. The heroes need not have to work for money, but will always have gold and silver with them to pay for their food dishes.
5. The heroes and villains will meet each other very often no matter how big the country is and no matter where they are.
6. Healing internal wounds in the body is as easy as sitting down cross-legged, palms on the knees and smoke coming out from the head.
7. They can keep alot of stuff in their sleeves and waistbands and never drop them. Especially a lot of gold & silver ingots.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
My appeal to advance to JC2 has been rejected. After a whole week of waiting, I have already lost hope. I am tired of fighting for something that will not happen at all. All my life, my hopes, have been crushed. It has ended here. To think that I spent one whole year--one bloody fucking year. What has it come to? Where has it gone? Where have I gone? NOWHERE. I remain here. Only now I am just a shadow of my former self. Gone was the happy go lucky character of mine. What replaced that is just a broken man. A man, without hope. Without life. Without purpose. A man, whose life has been changed in just one night. Here lies me, a nobody. A FAILURE. Its so ironic, isn't it? I am the eldest in the family. I am expected to score well. To achieve. To be the best. My parents hired the best tutors to teach me, to help me score. But what did I do? I did NOTHING. I threw away my parents money. I disspointed them. I am just a worthless person to them now. Ironic, isn't it? Why can't my parents be like any other?! Why can't they just let me do the best to my abilities? Why is it that when others get an E grade, I have to get at least a B??!?! Why force me? Why push me? I am just some stupid retarded ass who can't do a single thing right. WHY FORCE ME? The bubble of security has already burst. I no longer am confident of myself. Gone was the thought that in the end, everything will turn out alright. I just failed everything with fucking bright dazzling colours. How ironic. From now on, I am no longer going to care. From now on, I am on my own. From now on, I am no longer Melvin. This, is the first time I cried in years. Fuck my life.
Hark my call.
Full of despair.
Of Anguish.
Swept away by the harricane,
no light can pass.
Drowning in my own tears,
Blinded by the void.
A fate worse than death,
a life worse than failure.
Hear my cries.
Of anguish,
none can hear.
Deep down in the deep void of darkness,
I found the power of acting without hope.
A void of shattered hopes and dreams,
a broken man I am.
Despair, anguish, dissapointment.
My friends from now on.
The power that drives me on.
The power of the void.
Hark my call.
The last call you will ever hear.
Friday, November 19, 2004

Honing my photography skills...

Withering flower. Dying. Despairing. When will this ever stop? Haha......
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I spent my holidays in Batang Kali, Malaysia. Up in the hills, Fraser Hill, so to speak. Kinda missed the place, the chilly air, foggy weather, the English house, everything about it. Well, let me review it once more...haha...
Day 1.
Woke up at 7.30am, to renew my passport. Ended up late, we set off at about 11am for Malaysia. We were supposed to meet my other relatives in Fraser Hill, which is above Kuala Lampur. We spent nearly the whole day travelling, quite a boring trip, especially when every corner you look at, you see trees. Anyway, we reached the foot of the hill at 5.00pm. Surprisingly, we caught up with our other relatives while we were driving uphill, despite the fact that they had a huge start. We reached the hill at about 6.00pm, and boy, it was chilly...And foggy, not to forget. We all checked in, and planned a archery session 9.30am the next day. After which, we went for lunch near the hotel, since we were all so tired after driving up the goddamn long and winding roads to the hill. The clock strikes ten, we played pool for like an hour. Then we went back to sleep in the freezing hotel. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that the hotels are very dirty. There are bugs in...the toilet. LOL! Up close with nature.
Day 2
Woke up at eight, bathed and everything, and went down to the hotel cafe for breakfast. Saw this pretty gal...haha! But nothing happened! Honest! We were about to set off for the the archery range when it started raining. Damn... We ran to the nearest block, and we waited for the rain to stop. It never did... And then I saw the pretty gal again. LOL! Anyway, we all got fed up with the weather. Spoilt our early morning mood. So, instead, we went to visit the huge mansion that the British left behind up in the hills. Only when we got there, did I realise why our hotels are so unhygenic. Biasness in play. We all decided to check out early, and checked in at a hotel in KL later that night. Nothing much happened, went to times square, played a few games in the arcade, then it was time to go back and sleep. *snore*
Day 3
We packed up early in the morning and left around 10.30am. We planned to travell all the way back to Johor Baru, which is a 3 hour long drive. Instead, we travelled for nearly 5 hours, because of the huge jam from KL all the way to Malacca. Damnz.......... the jam was real slow, after 1.5 hours, we travelled only 46km. Haha... Anyway, we had our dinner in one of the popular restoraunt in JB, pork ribs, braised chicken, rice(of course), fried spicy egg tofu, and samba fish. Delicious. Haha! After which, we left for Singapore. End of story. lol.
Anyway, I think I won't be blogging so often anymore. I have so much things to attend to, I have so many things to feel sad about, I simply have lost interest in blogging anymore. Perhaps next time, perhaps not. Throughout this whole year, I have been nothing but a failure. I failed my tests, my exams, my grade 8 piano exam, ultimately, I failed myself, and my own life. I guess, its time to re-evaluate myself, my actions, my life. Thats all I have to say. Gd luck to all my friends. You guys have been the best part of my life, the people that kept me going, despite the many setbacks I went through. Thank you.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Mom and me...

Me and my spastic face again.

Family Photo

tick tock...

Fire Place

What lies beyond the gate...?

Entrance of Smoke House
Monday, November 15, 2004

Enter the Smoke House
To be continued....tomorrow.

My little cousin

Odd tree...

Nice foot.

Eating durians...Ma ma mia!

Eating away....*burp*

Me....under the big clock

Group Photo


Looks kinda erie, doesn't it?

Looking at the foggy weather again...


The hotel

The very first picture I took in Fraser Hill...Damn, its very foggy!
Friday, November 12, 2004

Kenneth's goddamn BIG dog....

Nice doggie....