Life is similar to a game of Chess. Once a move is made, there's no turning back. Every move, has an impact on the way the game is played. First comes thought. Then Choice. Followed by action, and ends with effect. A game of chess can bring many valuable insights of Life. In a game of Chess, there are 3 possibilities.
1.) Choices that are ruled by impulsiveness and recklessness, with little thought given for the consequences.
2.) Choices that are made due to well thought out strategies, with self awareness of each and every possible outcome.
3.) Choices that are made due to overplanning.
Of those 3 possibilities, only one is the ideal state of mind we should adopt, and that is possibilty number 2.
Choices that are made solely by impulsiveness and instinct will not get us anywhere. In life, or chess, or in anything we do. In the end, we will only realise that all that we have done, is useless. Choices made that are due to over planning is nothing great to boast about. Over planning leads to complacency. Complacency leads to underestimating and poor judgement. And poor judgement, leads to unexpected outcomes. Thus, a balance must be made between planning and acting on instinct, and this leads to possibility number 2. As Bruce Lee once said, "Do not focus too much on the finger that is pointing to the moon, or you will miss or its heavenly glory."
Life is like a game of Chess.
Life is a game.
A deadly one.
You know what's so ironic about that?
Life never was a game.
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